
1 Month Old

WOW!! Where did the time go? Kyndall is one month old!

It is so hard to think that just a little over 4 weeks ago I gave birth to the most beautiful little girl in the entire world. However, by the time I had her, I was ready to leave the hospital. I was admitted December 26 and put on hospital bed rest to control by blood pressure after being diagnosed with preeclampsia and on home bed rest for 2 1/2 weeks.

As much as I wish I could have experienced real labor and been able to deliver vaginally, I am thankful to my doctor, Dr. Hutcheson, for giving me the chance to try at natural labor and having mine and Kyndall's health in mind when she made the decision to do a c-section.

Over the last month, Kyndall has changed in so many ways. She wasn't even 5 pounds at birth and is now over 6! She is still wearing preemie clothes and diapers but is outgrowing her preemie pj's that have footies in them. She is now able to wear newborn clothes without being swallowed by them.

She has had lots of visitors and has even been to Wal-Mart and the mall. However, she has some how not made it to Target. We'll have to fix that soon! We have made it to church only once, but we plan on fixing that soon, too. She had her first "play date" on her one month birthday, granted she slept through most of it, but it was good conversation for the parents. She has gone to Tyler to see daddy at work and some of mommy's friends.

She has rolled over from her tummy to her back twice but has yet to do it again. I have also gotten some real smiles and have heard her "laugh."

I pray that her second month is just as enjoyable and much more.

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