
17 Months

OK, so I know I'm a bad mom...I kept meaning to write this entry, but it never happened. So here it is, 2 weeks late, but it will have info back to 17 months old!
What is Kyndall up to these days?
- She is 19lbs 12oz and approx. 29 inches tall
- She can still wear some 3-6 month clothes, but we have mostly moved to 6-9 and even some of the smaller 12 month.
- She is still wearing size 2-3 diapers, but I think once we finish the current box, we'll move to size 3's.
- She is starting to understand going to the potty. She has not actually done anything in the potty, but she will sit on it and has tee-teed on the floor around her potty a couple of times.
- She is still not a big meat eater, but she will eat fruits and veggies like they are going out of style! Her favorites are pineapple, banana, apple, strawberry, watermelon, corn, peas, green beans, mac and cheese, eggs, bread, cheese, and oddly enough, spinach pizza.
- She LOVES going outside and jumping on the trampoline!
- She has added a few words to her vocabulary, like cat, dog, fish, please, and thank you.
- She can point to her nose and bellybutton. We're still working on other body parts.
- She has changed rooms at daycare, and is now the only girl, again, with 4 boys- all who are bigger, but not all older.

The top picture is of Kyndall when she was about 8 days old, and the bottom one was taken about a day before she turned 17 months old.

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