
Easter 2014

(Pictures are in reverse order...)

HE IS RISEN!! He is risen from the dead and is alive! 

Easter wouldn't be complete without pictures of the girls in their new dresses. I'm thinking this may be the last year BigK will let me get away with matching dresses. I was only able to get one decent picture of the girls together. BigK wouldn't smile or wouldn't open her eyes. LittleK was busy and on the move. We took these before church, which is good because LittleK's diaper didn't get put on all the way at church before we left and ended up peeing all over her dress, the highchair, and the floor. At lunch. At a restaurant. (At least it was on wood floors.)

C had to work today so no full family pictures. I'll make him reenact it later. HA!

Last night after the egg hunt and pizza, we dyed eggs. Even LittleK got in on the action, which is huge since this dye was sticky, and she is against all things sticky.

Yesterday afternoon, we went to my parents' church for an egg hunt. We had prepared BigK that there may be a lot of kids and that she may only get a couple of eggs. We were pleasantly surprised when both girls came away with a basket full! (Not that we needed 2 baskets full of eggs, but they had fun.)

Yesterday morning, the girls woke up to Easter Bunny surprises. C had to work today so the bunny decided to come early so that he could see the girls.

My parents and I took the girls to the Easter Bunny earlier this week. LittleK did much better than I expected. She wasn't thrilled beyond measure, but she didn't freak out either!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matt. 28:6

I hope your Easter was blessed!

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