
LittleK is 17 months

Wow! LittleK is 17 months old. Where has the time gone?

She is 18.4lbs. Not sure on the height, she was too busy to get her to stay still long enough to get it.

She loves:
Mommy milk, marshmallows, beans, pasta, her sister, daddy among other things.

She can/will:
Give high five (newest accomplishment) drink from a straw, wave hi/bye/night night, will lean in for kisses when you say night night, climb on just about anything, dances to music, use sign language to tell us more, walk while holding your fingers,  can push her stroller like a champ.

What she's working on:
Rolling over(she can, but still struggles a bit), putting objects in containers, stacking objects, and learning consonant sounds.

She's still receiving OT, ST, and play therapy. The developmental pediatrician we were referred to is out on medical leave for an undetermined amount of time so we have been referred to specialists at Children's.

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