
Pumpkin Glow

This year, one of the local home decor/craft stores held its 2nd annual Pumpkin Glow. It's a pretty neat thing. The local schools design and create pumpkin creations, the store has different things set up for the kids to do, and they get to wear their costumes.

I took Big K last year, but I wasn't able to this year. However, Grandma was willing to take her, so she still got to go. They met up with Big K's best friend and his family.

Here's what I'm assuming is Batman showing Snow White the pumpkin alligator.

Batman and Snow White photo ops!

These 2 have been friends since the womb, and I hope that their friendship continues for a very long time. His mom and I have known each other since we were super little as well, and we still like each other, so there's a good chance these 2 will.

1 comment:

katie ridings said...

aww snow white!! snow white has become so much more popular then it used to be!! I swear there were two movies brand new about snow white and then once upon a time on ABC.